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About douLA valentina

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Valentina Constenla Kasat

Certified Birth Doula

I was born in Santiago de Chile in 1986, in a family that would become big and full of potent female characters. I went to study Business Engineering and, a few years after my graduation and shy short of 30 years old I decided to pursue a nomad life. Thanks to an inherited German nationality I have lived in Australia, New Zealand and The Netherlands.

During the covid-19 pandemic I was living in Amsterdam and, like many of us, started questioning what gave meaning to my life. It was in this context that I approached the profession of birth companion. Working as a doula makes me happy because I feel I can provide pregnant people with the reverence and attention that they rightfully deserve as portals of life on Earth.

Pregnancy Exercise

My mission

To celebrate life, honor sorority and nourish the decision-making process that expecting parents face in the last months of pregnancy.

Pregnancy Exercise
Pregnancy Exercise

My vission

Parenting is a courageous task and pregnancy & childbirth are freaking epic accomplishments.


Every person that is pregnant is a fertility goddess who deserves the most high quality standard of care, attention, empathy, compassion and support.

My philosophy

What I bring into the birthroom


 I am calm, irradiate trust and bring forth a celebration mood.


I am the sovereign of my own attitude and the only responsible for creating it and sharing it. 


I am an expert in childbirth, medical environment and in my client's wishes.

I share this knowledge with who wants to receive this information.


I suggest, perform and teach physical comfort techniques aimed to soothe the birthing parent.

I will always ask consent to do these things.


I do my best to be a positive communicational bridge between you, your partner and your medical team.

I dare to ask questions.

Studies & Courses


BiA Doula Training
Amsterdam, Netherlands

Certified since November 2022

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